♥ Exquisite Corpse

Among Clouds of Dust, Only Mountains—a Garden You kneel in the damp soil of the kumara patch;catch a red breeze in your mouth.It races through your system & exits out the pores on the bottom of your feet.You see a statue of a human with a jellyfish for a head,a maze made of invisible blades,… Continue reading ♥ Exquisite Corpse

♠ Exquisite Corpse

Among Clouds of Dust, Only Mountains—a Garden You could get used to itif you drink the air enoughdeep in the lungs like drowning in such airwitness or a vain pretense of ropedawdling from the fillet of your hand end                    rescued from the mountain flesh you used to eat. You’ve saved yourself, that is, inside the gardenwithout… Continue reading ♠ Exquisite Corpse

Issue 9 / Spring 2018

Special “exquisite corpse” issue featuring 4 collaborative poetry experiments by 28 new & acclaimed writers from New Zealand & across the world.

Crisis & Duplication

I am thinking of creating (private) lists of books to read in particular circumstances. For example what to read when you have no power or running water and can only read by candlelight after a day consumed with slow-paced domestic chores.

Issue 8 / Autumn 2018

Victor Billot, Freya Daly Sadgrove, Lee Thomson, Zack Anderson (US), Murray Edmond, Courtney Sina Meredith, Manon Revuelta, Naomi Scully (US), Harry Moritz, Erena Shingade