Eden Bradfield

Sandra, 41

the back of her van says ‘exotic plants’ but i am not so sure
if there’s many plants in there at all because when i saw
her husband – let’s call him glen – unload a box, beige and
(he wore khaki shorts and a plaid shirt himself)
i did not see any exotic plants

she herself- we’ll call her sandra, pronounced
SAN-dra, not SEN-dra or SAND-ra
(she’s very particular about this sort of thing)
has a shock blonde hairdo like she spun her hair too many times
in the candyfloss maker
and wears leopard print blouses
– pretty exotic if you ask me

yet between the two of them and their van
(which has a palm tree on the back, i might add)
i have seen not an iota of an exotic plant in sight



By Eden Bradfield

is a New Zealand poet, chef, & musician based in Oamaru in the South Island, Te Waipounamu.