From the outset, the cryptic explanation at the front of the book has me thinking in problem-solving, puzzles, codes. What links to what? What isn’t what it seems? What does it seem? – Iain Britton
others who emerge // every day // wearing different clothes // who want to reshape / the horizon the steep cliffs / who live in houses which slide // now & then into the sea
A History of Extinctions – Alison Glenny
It was only then that they realised that the floor of the museum was covered with a layer of ash, in which their footsteps left deep but silent traces.
Mitochondrial Eve
Each poem is exquisitely layered as things are held at arm’s length, obstacles loom, the real world intrudes bright and harmonic, words are lithe on the line.
Toyah Webb
Designs for CHZ exoplanets (Nicolaus Copernicus 1543)
Rachel O’Neill
A reason for everything
Jackson Nieuwland
Eliana Gray
Travis Tate
Milk Moon
Joan Fleming
I think we are ready to start having relationships with other people
Fine idea
Louise Wallace
Aimee-Jane Anderson-O’Connor
Erik Kennedy
The night before the barn-raising
Elizabeth Welsh
I am trying to be done
essa may ranapiri
the pain of separation are lights in the sky
Issue 10 / Spring 2019
essa may ranapiri, Elizabeth Welsh, Erik Kennedy (US/NZ), Aimee-Jane Anderson-O’Connor, Joan Fleming, Travis Tate (US), Jackson Nieuwland, Eliana Gray, Rachel O’Neill, Toyah Webb, Sarah Jane Barnett
BACK Before You Know
Murray’s fluctuating rhythm and rhymes are like shifting river currents, his poem a river poem carrying the debris of story, hand-me-down anecdote.
National Poetry Day 2018
A chilled evening in August seemed as good a time as any to raise the dead, and thus we catapulted the special “exquisite corpse” Issue 9 of Minarets into the world on National Poetry Day 2018.
♣ Exquisite Corpse
Among Clouds of Dust, Only Mountains—a Garden Among mountains, a memory. A memory located near a blue horizon, just visible to her from within the painting where she sits in her black dress, hands folded in her lap, in the train compartment full of green light where she turns her head away from the window.… Continue reading ♣ Exquisite Corpse
♦ Exquisite Corpse
Among Clouds of Dust, Only Mountains—a Garden We have dwelt here before, ὀποπάναξ in the dust, always obscuredyou wiped it from my eyelids with a fingertip roughed by salt and triggerthe Khyber Pass, Oberjoch, just beyond Klaipaida, Valhöll, we split openour mouths and taste spit, dust, iron, blood. The Shema and Ne’ilah. Ashes,soil, flesh, the… Continue reading ♦ Exquisite Corpse