Title / Prelude I would be a very different person had my mother not starved herself for 5 days straight before she birthed me and when I was born I was of a dark blue colour and (according to my mother) the expression on the Doctors face was one of disgust and confusion As if… Continue reading Cameron Churchill
Author: Cameron Churchill
was born in 1992 to John and Bronagh Key. For most of his early life his father was away working for Merril Lynch (a wealth management division of Bank of America) and his mother was often sick from a sometimes violent alcohol problem. The job of raising his two younger siblings, Stephie and Max, was placed entirely on Cameron’s shoulders, a job he was not psychologically up for. Cameron was violent and conniving; his behaviour was typically psychopathic. He would one minute be cruel and violent and the next be crying and apologising or acting sincere and sweet. As an adult, Cameron works a cushy job as Director of Media Management for the NZ Police Department. In his spare time he enjoys firing his Chesterfield a48 semi-automatic pistol at the shooting range and writing poetry.
Cameron Churchill
Holes I am the man who digs a trench, four walls for you walls made of mud four eyes made for the cathedral how pretty it would be to be with a beauty in the country but here I am with the worms in the mud I can smell excess this hellhole reeks of excess… Continue reading Cameron Churchill