from The Shape of a Body Uncertain Once, it was written that therewas a man who slipped onto a shipand sailed off the edge. When the monsoon lash returned him,the man spoke of a sticky that pressed.The man could not eat the cooked. The man spoke to silence.And of the most,the man was blind to… Continue reading Hamid Roslan
Author: Hamid Roslan
—is the author of the Singapore Literature Prize-nominated parsetreeforestfire (Ethos Books, 2019). His other writing can be found in the Asian American Writers Workshop, Asymptote, The Volta, Of Zoos, and the Quarterly Literary Review Singapore, and is forthcoming in the Practice, Research and Tangential Activities (PR&TA) open-access journal, and Tilted Axis Press. He is currently pursuing an MFA in Writing at Pratt Institute.