On Hypnosis, Unscripted A shaman finds out his vehicle can’t move like a man—windows grow breasts, curtains scream for attention. Nothing happens, but the room sweetens its bones. A bronze floor lamp, two bar tables, five oiled chairs in one circle: a party of ghost babies laugh with life-size cats. The Scope of Darkness The cave wheels… Continue reading Fiona Sze-Lorrain
Author: Fiona Sze-Lorrain
is a poet, literary translator, editor, and zheng harpist who writes and translates in English, French, Chinese, and occasionally Spanish. The author of four books of poetry: Water the Moon (2010), My Funeral Gondola (2013), and more recently The Ruined Elegance (2016) and Rain in Plural (2020), both from Princeton University Press, Sze-Lorrain has translated more than a dozen volumes of contemporary Chinese-language, French, and American poets, and guest/coedited three anthologies of international literature. She works as an editor at Vif Éditions, an independent press based in Paris. As a zheng harpist, she has performed worldwide. She lives in France.