Alex Taylor

rusty mechanics you want to unsettle the score. mislead from the front. erase the alarm. undo your duty. invoice your opinion. discharge your glass. mistake one for the team. you’re getting unmixed messages. inverse psychology. conviction notices.     current the news is puppies and sex offenders mum says there’s some sick people out there… Continue reading Alex Taylor

Alex Taylor

close[t/d] you’re determined that nobody knows what you’re really like how you actually are what planet you’re from it’s difficult to construct an impression when you do it so badly perhaps that’s why nobody mistakes you for yourself I never would have picked you as if that is a kind of compliment you wonder if… Continue reading Alex Taylor

Alex Taylor

a gay poem richie with the jesusbeard stands outside the arch of planetrees / a flagpole / the world limping in skin tights assassinating the characters of westerns and co-workers. he sings quite well and one day the flat of his hand brushes by my leg     man alive he’s the man with the… Continue reading Alex Taylor