Dreams – Josephine Frances K

Dreams On trial period at a supermarket. Fired for stealing Singaporean Kit Kats. On my way out, I wanted to buy a plastic bathmat, but then saw a woman giving an in-aisle demonstration and explaining its use as a contraceptive. An aggressive evil pig was charging at us then running away. Up a hill then… Continue reading Dreams – Josephine Frances K

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Expert – Nikki-Lee Birdsey

I will outline a light switch / in black so you won’t miss it. How / the pendulum swings with the / sun in your eyes. The hung crystal / in the window refracts faint greys, / blues, yellows.

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Being Ecological – Eamon Tee

My favourite podcast is about the end of the world / It’s the big new thing happening. / It is already happening.

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Haang Saan – Brecon Dobbie

I could come closer to tickling / the neurons, pulling them a // part, making       connections / between the benevolence of a // bright summer’s day     and     my inability / to perceive reality       accurately . . .

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a weighty jewel of a sun-bound / harkening, reaches (again) the memory / & malady of a doubtable god, part- / unseen, emergent. // On kite wings, we qualify.

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Living – Carolyn DeCarlo

Your hands are like fists all the time now. Lick the webbing / between your cats’ toes and wish they could set you right. / Know that they never can.

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bioremediation – Rhys Feeney

by friday / i am 50% used up / tho i’m tired / i make my weekly pilgrimage / taking foodscraps up to the compost bins at the innermost gardens

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3 poems – Mark Prisco

watch me disappear. live / & never let but i’m / fine. for it’s not / a thing of bitterness / but love / demolished, set against itself, / not a thing to stir

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