Carolyn DeCarlo

What Did It Give You? I’m sorry, Veruca, for all your sorrows—One foot in the gutter and the otherin a state of abject horror.Your miseries are worse than mine.Bless us, oh Lord, for our sins.They are many, and in quick succession.She loves me, she loves me not—If you pick the flower before it’s ripened,you’ll never… Continue reading Carolyn DeCarlo

Living – Carolyn DeCarlo

Your hands are like fists all the time now. Lick the webbing / between your cats’ toes and wish they could set you right. / Know that they never can.

Categorized as ANNEXE

Carolyn DeCarlo

the car and the man inside they were buried there, the car and the man inside, swept over with a blanket of copper leaves under the pavement in front of the house at the end of the street. everyone knew about them, the car and the man inside, and even when we played catch-the-toad with… Continue reading Carolyn DeCarlo